Further applications are still being considered and the Law Society will be in direct contact with any candidates for whom additional information is required in support of their applications.
Transition – Stage 1 is due to end on the 15th November 2010. If you have not already applied to join the Scheme and wish to do so under this Stage please contact us as soon as possible on 0141 225 6700 or via enquiries@specialistparalegals.co.uk.
SSP members wishing to be considered under Stage 1 must meet all of the following criteria:
- You must have been a member of the Society of Specialist Paralegals for a period of at least two years.
- You must have completed the recommended ten hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in each of your last two membership years.
- You must hold a formally recognised and assessed qualification relevant to each Legal Domain you wish to register under (e.g. Domestic Conveyancing).
- You must have at least two years experience working in each Legal Domain you wish to register under.
- You must work under the supervision of a Scottish solicitor with a current Practising Certificate from the Law Society of Scotland.
- You must obtain a signed declaration from your supervising solicitor in support of your application.
- You must not have been the subject of any formal complaints relating to your employment as a paralegal.
Transition – Stage 2 will launch on the 16th November 2010 and will run until the 15th August 2011. Throughout this Stage candidates will apply directly to the Registered Paralegal Standing Committee rather than through a paralegal body such as the SSP. Stage 2 applicants should read the guidance from the Law Society of Scotland before completing and returning the Stage 2 application form to the Law Society no earlier than the 16th November 2010. Full details of the launch process and each individual stage can be found on our website; www.specialistparalegals.co.uk/Regulation.
Moira McFadyen
Managing Director
CLT (Scotland) Ltd
Society of Specialist Paralegals